Friday, September 28, 2012

Crossing the line.

In class this week we talked about different relationships we have with our family members.  You can have a strong relationship in one and not the other.  It's interesting how things work out in a family.  Things may be tough in a family but I believe that the family we are in, we are meant to be in them.  God knew the best people who would help us here on earth so He worked His plan to be able to be with them.  I know my family is who I am suppose to be with and I am grateful for them. They help me to grow and I want to be able for others to have that.  I hope to help others in there relationships so they can be blessed.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


It's really cool how my classes are working out this semester.  I am taking a marriage and family relationship class which goes along perfectly with my family foundations class.  Then I am taking a money management class which goes along with my math class.  With having two family classes it really is amazing how both fit with each other.  It is also never changing.  What I learn in one class is said in the other and they are always connecting together and so from both I am always learning.  With my money and math class it is very helpful because one can help me learn and remember something from my other class.
With these it honestly really helps my testimony to grow.  It shows me that God and this gospel are never changing.  What was said from the beginning to now is still the same and will always be.
Being here at a religious school has really helped me to learn and grow.  I enjoy it here a lot because I feel I am always learning something new and new things are always opened to me.  It also may be that my way of thinking is changing and someone presents a new side to see things that I would never of thought of.  It is always helping me to build knowledge on top of knowledge.
I am excited for my major and know it will be a good one.  I enjoy all of my classes and have such smart teachers that I just love to go and sit and listen to them speak and take in their knowledge.
This all may be busy but I am excited to see how much I can grow.

Friday, September 14, 2012

It's called Love.

It's the start of a new semester, one year down at BYU-Idaho and I am already on the next.  This semester is going to be a good one because I have finally declared my major as Marriage and Family studies.  I am really excited to do this because I know the devil is trying to fight down marriages and familes and I want to be able to fight against him.
I think loving someone and being able to have a family is one of the greatest blessings God has given us.  He loves us all and wants us all to be able to enjoy that as well.
I have a Mom and Dad with two older sister and one younger brother and we are a very close family and love each other.  We do a lot for each other and we are there to support each other always.
I am grateful for the family and love that I have that I hope to be able to teach and share this with others so that they can have that blessing as well.